Your Project. My Words.
A Meeting Of The Minds

Resulting In
Clarity To Completion

Your Day To Step Into Being
The INSPIRED Creative
Everyone Loves To Hate


Just blown away.
Jill, I can’t thank you enough.

– Freddy I. USA

What can I say?
You gave me my dream, finished.

– JC H. Australia

A Completed Project Goal In One Day?

Just imagine for a moment how that would feel…


Dream it. Clarify it.

If you have an idea for a novel, a song, a creative-endeavor that’s been percolating for a month or a year or ten, this is your day to gain clarity on where to take it and start down that path immediately.


Create it. With Support

If you have a message you want to share with the world, a book you want to write, a project you know needs to come to light or a course you want to create… isn’t it time you stop hoping, wishing and praying for the right time..?


Share it. Be it.

If you have a platform as a speaker, a coach, maybe a consultant or a visionary CEO and want to reach more people yet can’t seem to carve out the time to craft the message, this is your opportunity to get it done.

My Words Your Day® will jumpstart your ability to succeed
and create the forward momentum that’s been lacking

The Consult Cost is $500 and will be credited when you invest in My Words Your Day®


It’s important to note, I only offer up to 12 My Words Your Day® Intensive Experiences each year.

For this reason, your consult call is a meeting of the minds to see if we are aligned and able to move forward on your project.

A My Words Your Day® opportunity is just that, an opportunity and not for everyone. In fact, it’s not for most individuals, period.

This is not a notice of scarcity and lack but of truth. My truth.

I am blessed because I choose to work with only those people I deeply resonate with. Those individuals with a message I can fully honor, support and desire to bring to light. And I only want you to say yes if you resonate with me…

Tapping into that inner knowing is key, for me. If it is for you too, well, you just may be my kind of peep.

The only question left to ask is…

Are You A Good Fit For a
My Words Your Day® Intensive Experience?

Those Who Know, Dive In. If That's You, Complete the Steps And

I am so grateful I found you and will refer you over and over, Jill.
I can’t believe how easy you made it. Thanks again.

– Paul R. USA

Bravo! I have an eBook in hand.
Jill, you are fantastic and so much fun to work with.
You made the process easy and I swear I’ve never laughed so much in my life.
Let’s do another soon.

– Bobby C. UK

Working with Jill is a dream.
A book I had in my head for ten years is now outlined, first chapter fleshed out, and I have a plan in place.
This is a win for me and for those I want to help with my message. Thank you! You ARE a JOY.

– Monica M. USA

That project we clarified and completed just brought in $10K in 72-hours, Jill!
Why I waited so long, I do not know. But I’ll be singing your praises forever!

– Felicia B. USA

Nothing To Loose And So Much Possibility To Gain